P-ISSN: 2790-0673, E-ISSN: 2790-0681
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2023, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part A

Foreign nationals abandon a foreign investment limited liability company: Forms of legal regulation in Indonesia

Author(s): Bambang Purwanto and I Gusti Agung Mas Rwa Jayantiari

Abstract: This article aims to analyze and identify the provision of information related to the establishment of a Foreign Investment Limited Liability Company in Indonesia and to make it known related to the regulation of sanctions for Foreign Citizens who abandon their Foreign Investment Limited Liability Company. The method used in the article related to Sanctions for Abandonment of Foreign Investment Limited Liability Company by Foreign Citizens in Indonesia is juridical-normative research, with a statutory approach used to analyze the problem of norm vacuum in this study. The discussion in this study finds that specifically related to the regulation of the obligation to establish a Limited Liability Company for Foreign Investment by foreign investors in Indonesia, the regulation is carried out in "Law Number 25 of 2007 concerning Investment" which has been clearly determined if foreign investment must be in the form of a Limited Liability Company. Furthermore, related to sanctions for Foreign Citizens who abandon their Foreign Investment Limited Liability Company, until now there has been no legal certainty related to sanctions given under the Investment Law which creates a vacuum of norms in its regulation. Therefore, special rules are needed regarding sanctions for Foreign Citizens who only utilize the establishment of a Foreign Investment Limited Liability Company only for the ease of processing a Limited Stay Permit Card. This causes an increase in the number of Foreign Investment Limited Liability Companies that are registered but not active, which will certainly correlate with the public paradigm, especially foreign investors, regarding investment and the establishment of the Foreign Investment Limited Liability Company itself in Indonesia.

Pages: 30-34 | Views: 255 | Downloads: 97

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International Journal of Law, Justice and Jurisprudence
How to cite this article:
Bambang Purwanto, I Gusti Agung Mas Rwa Jayantiari. Foreign nationals abandon a foreign investment limited liability company: Forms of legal regulation in Indonesia. Int J Law Justice Jurisprudence 2023;3(2):30-34.
International Journal of Law, Justice and Jurisprudence

International Journal of Law, Justice and Jurisprudence

International Journal of Law, Justice and Jurisprudence
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