International Journal of Law, Justice and Jurisprudence

International Journal of Law, Justice and Jurisprudence is a Peer Reviewed International Open Access Journal which will be abstracted in various reputed databases. The Journal provides the platform with the aim of motivating the students and personnel in all fields of
International Journal of Law, Justice and Jurisprudence.
The journal publishes articles in all fields of International Journal of Law, Justice and Jurisprudence which includes: Criminal Law, Company Law, Company Law, Corporate Law, Labour Law, Family Law, Law of Torts & Consumer Protection Act, Professional Ethics, Constitutional Law, Law of Evidence, Arbitration, Conciliation & Alternative, Human Rights & International Law, Environmental Law, Property Law, Jurisprudence, Legal Aids, Law of Contract, Civil Procedure Code, Interpretation of Statutes, Legal Writing, Administrative Law, Code of Criminal Procedure, Land Laws (Including Ceiling and other Local Laws), Investment & Securities Law, Law of Taxation, Co-operative Law, Banking Law (Including the Negotiable Instruments Act), Contract/Trust/Women & Law, Criminology, International Economics Law, Comparative Law, Law of Insurance, Conflict of Laws, Intellectual Property Law, Distributive Justice, Environmental Justice, Injustice, Occupational Injustice, Open Justice, Organizational Justice, Poetic Justice, Social Justice, Spatial Justice, Natural Law, Analytic Jurisprudence, Normative Jurisprudence, Sociological Jurisprudence, Therapeutic jurisprudence, Virtue Jurisprudence, French Jurisprudence, Indian Jurisprudence, Historical Jurisprudence, Cautelary Jurisprudence, Feminist Jurisprudence, Political Jurisprudence, Postmodernist Jurisprudence, etc.
This Journal is an ideal platform for anyone working in International Journal of Law, Justice and Jurisprudence. Publications are welcome from students and professionals alike and will solely be judged on their content and scientific merit.
Online submission of the manuscript is strongly recommended. A manuscript number will be mailed to the corresponding author within one week or earlier. Prospective authors can submit their manuscripts at All manuscripts are subjected to peer review process (which are not previously published and are not under consideration for publication by another journal) would be published without any delay in a subsequent issue after acceptance. Read Instructions to Author for more details.