Title and Authors Name |
Company mergers and acquisitions have a big impact on the public Simran Int. J. Law Justice Jurisprudence, 2023; 3(1): 75-77 |
Constitutional provisions and judicial activism for the protection of the environment Dr. Bindu Variath Int. J. Law Justice Jurisprudence, 2023; 3(1): 78-81 |
Unfairness in advertising: Doctrinal analysis of the US and Uzbekistan’s legal standard Bakhshillo Khodjaev Int. J. Law Justice Jurisprudence, 2023; 3(1): 82-86 |
Regulating the validity of notarial deeds through teleconference Desak Agung Made Megawati, I Made Subawa, I Nyoman Suyatna and I Nyoman Bagiastra Int. J. Law Justice Jurisprudence, 2023; 3(1): 87-91 |