2022, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part A
Topic-judicial versus extrajudicial confessions
Author(s): Rehan Gupta and Dilraj Kaur
Abstract: This paper mainly investigates the difference between the evidentiary and probative value of Judicial and extra- Judicial confessions. The competency of a witness is provided by the Indian Evidence act but which piece of evidence to trust on, is always the discretion of the court and the judge. This forms a crucial part of the process of appreciation of evidence and helps the judge to write a judgement that is well reasoned. So the way these aspects have been dealt with in context of Indian law is elaborated below.
Pages: 44-46 | Views: 2857 | Downloads: 2438Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Rehan Gupta, Dilraj Kaur. Topic-judicial versus extrajudicial confessions. Int J Law Justice Jurisprudence 2022;2(2):44-46.