P-ISSN: 2790-0673, E-ISSN: 2790-0681
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2021, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A

Critical analysis of modern concept of sustainable development

Author(s): Dr. G Arya and Dr. Surya Srivastava

Abstract: In today's world, the term "sustainable development" is not a new notion. This term was used in the Stockholm conference in 1972 in an indirect way. “Principle 1 of the declaration states that Man has the fundamental right to freedom, equality and adequate conditions of life, in an environment of a quality that permits a life of dignity and wellbeing and he bears a solemn responsibility to protect and improve the environment for present and future generation”. In this Principle, the term future generation is inserted it means that we should preserve our natural resources for the future generation. In simple words, we can simply say that using natural resources just and equitable manner without compromising the present generation and also preserving future generations. The term Sustainable development came through the Brundtland commission report in 1987. She defined the term sustainable development. The study aims to critically examine the concept of sustainable development a doctrinal research design has been used to meet the study's aims. The modern concept of sustainable development has been studied using the doctrinal design. Doctrinal research, as we all know, is study based on previously stated principles or premises. It is more based on sources such as library books and resources gathered through access to numerous websites. For the study, the Researcher has collected relevant materials from books on Environmental law and also from various websites. The research has been conducted mostly through the use of books, journals, and numerous articles from various internet sources.

Pages: 100-102 | Views: 1185 | Downloads: 485

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International Journal of Law, Justice and Jurisprudence
How to cite this article:
Dr. G Arya, Dr. Surya Srivastava. Critical analysis of modern concept of sustainable development. Int J Law Justice Jurisprudence 2021;1(2):100-102.
International Journal of Law, Justice and Jurisprudence

International Journal of Law, Justice and Jurisprudence

International Journal of Law, Justice and Jurisprudence
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