The provision of social security protection to workers in Cameroon: What is the legal vacuum
Author(s): Nde Ngo Solange and Fonyoh Richard Nembu
Abstract: This paper critically examine the role of National Social Insurance Fund (NSIF) for the protection of the social security rights of the retired persons in Cameroon with regards to ILO standards, to off root some of the various impediments involves and to provide measures on how to deal with it. In connection with our above objectives we adopted an in-depth content analysis which is based on primary and secondary sources of data collection imperative to the study. The retired persons are a set of vulnerable group of persons who rely on the informal sector such as their families for survival. Most families are not economically able to meet the needs of the elderly persons. Retired workers wish to secure a decent standard of living, within a context of social security. They can achieve this income security not only through productive employment, savings and accumulated assets, but also through social protection mechanisms. These mechanisms function not only as a protective but also as a productive factor. Retired workers need income security to make long-term plans for themselves and their families. Workers’ income security is also good for the economy, since it makes effective demand more predictable and provides enterprises with a more productive and flexible workforce. However, how effective are the measures put in place by NSIF to ensure the protection of the right to social security of the retired workers in Cameroon is still an issue to grapple. It is revealed that, enormous efforts have been put in place by the NSIF to ensure the protection of the social rights of the retired workers though it is not insufficient. The retired persons despite the social protection given to them by the NSIF due face some socio-economic challenges such as poverty which jeopardises their life. Thus, the retired persons need to be given proper care so as to better of their life and be able to meet with the socio-economic challenges.
Nde Ngo Solange, Fonyoh Richard Nembu. The provision of social security protection to workers in Cameroon: What is the legal vacuum. Int J Law Justice Jurisprudence 2021;1(1):46-56. DOI: 10.22271/2790-0673.2021.v1.i1a.7